Classes for April-June are now FULL. Early bird pre-registration for October-December classes is ongoing. Note only one class on Saturdays in October, and two on Wednesday afternoon/evening at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern and 4:15 Pacific/7:15 Eastern. These classes are Thursday mornings in Australia/NZ.

Free RESOURCES SITE for therapists offering emetophobia treatment at www.emetophobia.net My resource page is now joint with Dr. David Russ, child psychologist and co-author of my book, so there are also lots of free resources for treating emetophobia with kids!

Updated 04/30/24: THERAPIST LIST! Click here.

I still have no listings for therapists offering emetophobia treatment in the following states/provinces/countries. If you are licensed and practice CBT with ERP for emetophobia, please add your contact info to my therapist list:

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arkansas
  4. Georgia
  5. Hawaii
  6. Idaho
  7. Iowa
  8. Louisiana
  9. Minnesota
  10. Montana
  11. Nevada
  12. New Mexico
  13. North Dakota
  14. South Carolina
  15. South Dakota
  16. Utah
  17. West Virginia
  18. Wisconsin
  19. Wyoming

In Canada I am missing listings in:


In Australia I am missing:

SA, WA, Tasmania, Territories

I would love some listings in:

New Zealand, Ireland

My name is Anna Christie, and I had a very severe phobia of vomiting for years. I am fully recovered thanks to conventional CBT, and I am now a licensed psychotherapist , teacher and author specializing in emetophobia. 

Are you afraid of vomiting or of seeing/hearing someone vomit? Do you experience anxiety or have panic attacks related to the fear of vomiting or norovirus (“stomach flu”)? Do you think about vomiting almost every day and especially when you don’t feel well? A severe fear of vomiting is called EMETOPHOBIA and it is much more common than you think.  6% of women and 1% of men suffer from a fear of vomiting. This means that 23 MILLION people in the United States alone have a fear of vomiting. Of those who fear vomiting about 0.2% have an extreme fear which can be very debilitating, and ruin the quality of their lives. This is known as emetophobia or SPOV “specific phobia of vomiting.” Why have people never heard of it?  Shame and embarrassment. However, this is changing as more works are being written and published and more research is being done every year. Emetophobia treatment is entering a new age!

Announcing my first book and the first of its kind for therapists about emetophobia. This is a must-have clinical handbook for anyone attempting emetophobia treatment, or anyone seeking out a therapist who can help them.

Available at AMAZON, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, and all other online booksellers.

Love my podcast? Buy me a coffee!

Our group is called “Emetophobia NO PANIC” and we mean it! No panicking posts, no abbreviating words, just discussion about and help with your recovery. Click on the logo or search for us on Facebook.