Resources for Kids

For kids, I highly recommend the Turnaround: Help for Your Anxious Child system, written by child psychologist Dr. David Russ and pediatric therapist Chris McCarthy. David and Chris recently developed an EMETOPHOBIA SUPPLEMENT which is just awesome. This is the only home/parent-based system that uses an evidence-based model.

Turnaround: Help for Your Anxious Child

The Turnaround Anxiety program, with Emetophobia supplement, is an outstanding DIY program for parents to help their kids through their emetophobia. I was a contributor to this program supplement as Dr. Russ and I are writing a book together for therapists treating emetophobia. The links are therefore affiliate.

The Emetophobia Supplement needs to be purchased with the Turnaround Anxiety Program for it to make sense. The base program is only $99, and the Emetophobia Supplement is $49 – both together are less than you’d pay for one session with me, Dr. McCarthy or Dr. Russ.

Drs. Russ and McCarthy also do online coaching for parents for a fee of $150/hr. once you buy the Turnaround program, so you’re fully supported. You may also email me with any questions about the program or your child’s emetophobia, free of charge.